Simplify Your Node.js Projects with PNPM

By Tomasz Gajda

Managing Node.js dependencies has long been a challenge for developers, as it often involves a trade-off between ease of use, speed, and disk space. Traditional package managers like NPM and Yarn have their strengths and weaknesses, but a "new" contender has emerged to offer a fresh approach to dependency management. In this article, we'll explore what PNPM is, how it works, and why it might be a valuable addition to your Node.js toolkit!

What is this "new" contender?

"New" because even though PNPM is often referred to as a "new" package manager due to its innovative features and recent rise in popularity, it was officially released all the way back in 2016. It has only recently started to gain more attention and wider adoption within the Node.js community.

In general terms PNPM (which stands for "Performant NPM") is a package manager for Node.js applications, created to address some of the known shortcomings of traditional package managers. PNPM's primary goal is to simplify the dependency management process, reduce disk space usage, and improve the installation and update speeds of packages.

Key Features

To highlight its strong points and advantages it has over other package managers, let's outline the key features provided by PNPM:

  • Linking Dependencies: One of the key features of PNPM is its approach to dependency linking. Unlike NPM and Yarn, which create copies of packages for each project, PNPM uses a symbolic link approach. This means that multiple projects can share the same dependency if they require the same version - which significantly reduces disk space usage.
  • Parallel Installation: PNPM is designed to install packages in parallel, taking advantage of multi-core processors. This approach can significantly speed up the installation process, making it a great choice for projects with many dependencies.
  • Local Package Store: PNPM maintains a global storage for packages on your system, allowing it to re-use packages across different projects. This eliminates the need for downloading and storing the same packages multiple times.
  • Faster Updates: PNPM optimizes the update process by only fetching and updating those packages that have changed. This leads to quicker updates and minimizes network and storage usage.
  • Support for NPM and Yarn: PNPM is designed to be compatible with both NPM and Yarn. It uses a similar package.json format, so transitioning from another package manager to PNPM is relatively straightforward.

PNPM disadvantages

While PNPM offers numerous benefits, it's important to acknowledge some potential drawbacks:

  • Compatibility Issues: While PNPM aims for complete compatibility with existing Node.js projects, it may have some issues with certain packages or configurations, particularly in complex or niche projects.
  • Community Adoption/Limited Awareness: While PNPM has been gaining traction, it does not yet have as extensive a community or ecosystem as more established package managers like NPM or Yarn. This may sometimes result in a lack of resources, tutorials, availability of third-party plugins or community support - especially compared to its widely adopted competitors.
  • Tooling Support: Some development tools and integrations may not fully support PNPM out of the box. While efforts are ongoing to improve compatibility, developers may encounter limitations when using PNPM with certain tools or services.

While these downsides are worth considering, they are not necessarily prohibitive, and PNPM's unique features still make it a compelling choice for many Node.js projects. As with any tool, weighing the pros and cons based on your specific project requirements and preferences is crucial.

How to Use PNPM

Using PNPM in your Node.js projects is quite simple - just follow this basic step by step guide:

  • Installation: First, you need to install PNPM globally on your system. You can do this using NPM or Yarn with the following command:
npm install -g pnpm
yarn global add pnpm
  • Initialization: Create a new Node.js project or navigate to an existing one and inside its main directory initialize PNPM by running:
pnpm init

This will generate a pnpm-lock.yaml file, similar to package-lock.json or yarn.lock in NPM and Yarn, respectively.

  • Install Dependencies: To install dependencies, use the following command:
pnpm install

This will install packages using PNPM's unique approach, linking common dependencies and optimizing the process.

Should you switch to PNPM?

PNPM does stand out as a promising tool in the realm of Node.js package managers - it boasts a distinctive array of features tailored to streamline dependency management, expedite installations, and minimize disk space usage. Leveraging symbolic links, a shared package store, and parallel installation, it effectively tackles the typical issues encountered by developers in Node.js application development. Whether embarking on a new project or seeking to enhance existing ones, PNPM merits serious consideration as a means to refine your Node.js development workflow. Moreover, transitioning to PNPM from other package managers like NPM or Yarn is remarkably straightforward, thanks to its compatibility with existing projects and familiar package.json format. Give PNPM a try, and discover how it can seamlessly integrate into your toolkit, potentially becoming an indispensable asset in your development arsenal!

Tomasz Gajda

Tomasz Gajda

Frontend Developer

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for enhancing user experiences, I bring a unique perspective to web development.

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Tomasz Gajda

Tomasz Gajda

Frontend Developer

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for enhancing user experiences, I bring a unique perspective to web development.

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